How Much Compensation Are You Entitled To?
Our specialist lawyers will consider a number of factors when evaluating your claim for compensation such as the level of stress and inconvenience suffered by occupying the property or whether you have had to move out of the property because of the disrepair. We will also consider whether damage has been caused to your personal property or belongings as a result of any disrepair.
Factors that are taken into account with a housing disrepair claim, include:
- The length of time you’ve suffered as a result of the disrepair
- Whether you have had to move into another property
- Damage to personal belongings - please keep photos and receipts if possible for any items that have been damaged as a result of disrepair
- Evidence provided to show state/ condition of the property and of any loss or damage. Again if possible take photos or videos and record damage to clothing or furniture that may need to be disposed of
- The severity of any ill health or injury caused. It is important that you keep records of visits to your GP or hospital detailing the injury or ill health

It is important that you retain copies of documents and records such as emails, texts, or diary entries showing contact with your landlord relating to the notification of disrepair and confirmation of any dates of when your council or housing association landlord or the landlord’s contractors have attended at your home in order to attempt to investigate, repair or maintain your property. This will be useful evidence used to determine whether your landlord has acted reasonably and within a reasonable period of time to adequately repair the property. Many landlords fail to adequately repair the property and instead undertake botched repairs which do not address the issues.
Compensation is usually calculated as a percentage of the amount of rent charged by your landlord for your home and will depend on the seriousness of the disrepair and length of time you have suffered as a result. Don’t worry if Housing Benefit, Universal Credit or if the rent has been paid by somebody else because this is simply a mechanism of calculating how much compensation might be owed to you.
Typically the amount of compensation you receive might be somewhere between 20% and 50% (or higher in certain circumstances) of the annual rent being paid on your home. For example, 25% compensation for a property with a monthly rent of £600 per month would equate to £1800 compensation for each year you have suffered as a result of disrepair. If you have suffered for 3 years you might expect to receive 3 x £1800 = £5400.
Use our calculator for examples on how
much compensation you may be entitled to
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